Worlds on Fire. The Prophecy.: E-WERK, Freiburg

12 May - 9 July 2023 

The two solo exhibitions with photographs by Fabrice Monteiro and installations by Tom Bull engage with fire a contemporary art’s perspective.


Fabrice Monteiro, The Prophecy

Fire in the form of uncontrolled burns as a result of global warming or as waste incineration that endangers people and the environment are the motifs of numerous photographs. Larger-than-life figures, embodying animistic deities or spirits from African religions or indigenous communities, tower over these blazes. With their presence and powers, these spirits call the fires to halt.

For his The Prophecy series, Monteiro travelled to the most polluted areas of the African continent and other parts of the world. At these scenes of the globalised throwaway society, he staged spirit figures wearing dresses made of found objects from the respective site. Monteiro created these marvellously futuristic-looking costumes together with the Senegalese fashion designer Doulcy.